About alumni gathering support
NAA offers financial support for hosting alumni gatherings. If you wish to receive this support, please confirm the following conditions and contact us at dousou-w@ad.naist.jp with the necessary information, as stated in the application form. Please note that due to budget limitations, we may not be able to meet your request.
Financial support conditions:
- Gatherings with 10 or more members
- Gatherings that do not violate public order and morals
- Participants are to be informed that there is support from NAA
- Submission of documentation with the following three points within one week after the gathering is held:
1) List of participants (graduates)
2) Gathering report (About 300 characters)
3) A group photo (a digital file such as JPG)
The list should include the participant names, admission years, relevant status (students/graduates, faculty members, or other distinctions), and e-mail address (personal e-mail adresses besides lifetime NAIST addresses are acceptable). If you have not registered with PalSyne, the NAA secretariat will register the e-mail addresses. You must clearly state if you do not want the email to be registered to PalSyne.
Financial support amount:
- 2,000 yen per participating member, up to 100,000 yen in total
- In some cases, NAA may not be able to meet requests due to a large number of other applications.
- Individuals may only receive support once a year. Individuals who received prior support in that year should not be included as participants.
<Application information>
Name of representative, admission year, graduate school (division):
Scheduled date:
Gathering details:
Amount requested and its use:
participants’ names, admission years, graduate school (division):
dousou-w (at) ad.naist.jp * Please replace “(at)” with “@”.