Zoom application

NAIST alumni association is subscribing a paid Zoom account. Please take advantage of this sevice to hold your great alumni event.

  • Conditions

    • Gatherings that do not violate public order and morals
    • Participants are to be informed that there is support from NAA
    • Submission of documentation with the following three points within one week after the gathering is held (No need duplicating submissions for the alumni gathering financial support):
      1. List of participants (graduates)
      2. Gathering report (About 300 characters)
      3. A group photo (a digital file such as JPG)

      The list should include the participant names, admission years, relevant status (students/graduates, faculty members, or other distinctions), and e-mail address (personal e-mail adresses besides lifetime NAIST addresses are acceptable). If you have not registered with PalSyne, the NAA secretariat will register the e-mail addresses. You must clearly state if you do not want the email to be registered to PalSyne.

  • How to apply

    Applications from the authenticated users of PalSyne will be accepted.

    Sign in PalSyne -> Inquiry to the secretariat -> Other inquiries -> Content of inquiry


    Zoom application

    Title: Online allumni party (2002 master course)

    Datetime: 2022-1-10 19:00-21:00 (JST)

    Organizer’s email address: nasra@is.naist.jp